Caring for a Loved One and Its Toll on Friendships

Maya Devincenzi Dil
Maya Devincenzi Dil
When you’re in the trenches of caregiving, your friendships can end up as collateral.
You might well feel alone, forgotten, or ignored since sharing the news about your new role. You’re around-the-clock exhausted, your schedule is hectic, and your social interactions have withered down to brief exchanges of pleasantries.
It’s easy to guess why. Maybe your friends feel useless, being unable to relate to your experience. Or guilty of leading normal lives. Awkward, perhaps? For not knowing how to interact with you or your loved one when they visit? Or intrusive, scared to burden you with social calls at the wrong time?
Whatever the reason, it’s clear that this is unchartered territory for not only you but for your friends as well.
So help them out. We’ve prepared something on behalf of caregivers everywhere.
If you’d like, you can share this letter with your friends: How you can be there for me. Sincerely, Your Caregiver Friend.
Open the letter →