May 29, 2024
3 Minutes

Pal launches the first Dutch at-home palliative care companion

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Amsterdam, 29th May 2024 Amsterdam-based digital health startup Pal launches its digital palliative care solution on the Dutch market. The aim is to support the more than 100,000 families currently living with a life-limiting illness by providing them with better support and resources.

Every year, over 100,000 people in the Netherlands rely on palliative care to ensure their comfort and quality of life. The demand for palliative care is expected to increase in the coming years due to an aging population and a rise in chronic illnesses. More people will experience prolonged illness before passing away, making palliative care increasingly essential. Pal is addressing this gap with its specially developed mobile app for caregivers of individuals with a life-limiting illness, providing the much-needed support and resources caregivers require.

Family and friends, acting as caregivers, play a crucial role in providing support during this time. They assist with daily activities, offer emotional support, and manage practical matters. However, caregivers often face uncertainties and concerns in their caregiving role, often with limited support and resources. Pal is here to change that.

Pal, the digital platform for at-home palliative care, helps patients, family members, and healthcare providers by directly addressing the core challenges of everyday palliative caregiving, such as daily care provision, symptom management, and care team collaboration. By complementing the existing palliative care delivery, Pal can enhance care quality, improve the patients’ quality of life, and boost care provider efficiency.

“Speaking from my own personal experience as a caregiver for my mom, there’s far too little support available for people who help take care of a loved one. We cannot expect caregivers to take on so much responsibility but then not provide them with the tools and guidance they need to succeed in this completely new and complex role.” shares Nara Moripen, Pal’s co-founder and CEO. “We’re so excited to finally launch in the Netherlands and offer much-needed support to family caregivers.”

In September last year, Pal announced their pre-seed funding round from Plug and Play, Antler, and angel investors to accelerate the launch of their digital palliative care solution. Since then, the team has launched their palliative care app in English, which has already helped hundreds of families better cope with life-limiting illnesses.

Pal’s co-founder, Azi Doost, said: “We’ve received fantastic feedback from the users of our solution and their healthcare providers. We’re now working with partners to improve our offering even more to make life just a little bit easier for anyone living with or caring for someone with a life-limiting illness.”

About Pal

Founded in early 2022 by tech operator Azi Doost (COO) and digital health strategist and former caregiver Nara Moripen (CEO), Pal was created to redefine palliative care and improve access to proper at-home support for anyone affected by a life-limiting illness. Pal makes it easier for patients and families to benefit from palliative care earlier in the disease trajectory. Timely interventions made possible with Pal reduce complications and hospitalizations, translating into significant cost savings for healthcare systems.

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Written by Pal